ICNA Austin: Core Team Message
We are expanding our effort. Currently we are looking for office space for ICNA Relief Austin. If you know of availability of such space, please call Br. Zahid at (214) 298-5857.
We are expanding our effort. Currently we are looking for office space for ICNA Relief Austin. If you know of availability of such space, please call Br. Zahid at (214) 298-5857.
Join Reimagining Service Texas Impact’s Reimagining Service team invites your faith community to participate in a 15-week process of congregational discovery and discernment. With the support of a trained facilitator, a team of 8-10 members of your congregation will...
Alhamdulillah, we are very thrilled to get started on new programs for 2020 and 2021. Be on the lookout for Know Your Rights seminars and information on government and much more coming from your friends at CAIR Austin! Also...