In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most MercifulAssalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baratuhu! We pray that your families are in the best state of Iman and health. Here is what we’ve been up to at ICNA these past few months: ||| ICNA Relief was on the ground in Louisiana after Hurricane Ida made landfall to help locals rebuild their lives ||| WhyIslam and Gain Peace have been making strides with dawah efforts after 2 years, as the country is finally up and running, and in person events are finally commencing ||| Muslim Family Day is coming to a park near you next month, and thousands of Muslims are expecting as the entire park is rented out! Halal food vendors will be available on sight, and prayer services will be offered. These and other exciting updates in our new video! Please watch and keep updated with ICNA activities. ICNA Media TeamDONATE NOW!About ICNA Islam Circle of North America is a leading grass roots organization which seeks to obtain the pleasure of Allah (SWT) through working for the establishment of Islam in spheres of life. ICNA has many projects, programs, and activities which are designed to help in the process of molding the individual and reforming society at large.ICNA166-26 89th AveJamaica, NY 11432 Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |